Wednesday, 25 January 2012

1 comment:

  1. CHRISTMAS CARD PLANNERS - one for me, two for gifts. Trying to get organised ready for next year. The ones I have made can accommodate 120 recipients. The years just begin with 20 for you to add 12/13/14 etc. I tick the box when I have sent a card, and when I take them down in January I put a line through, to make a cross, for those I have received a card from. If there are 3 ticks in a row that are uncrossed, then they get crossed off altogether. Yes ruthless I know !!!
    If anyone would like the dimensions and the grids forwarding on to make your own, please feel free to email me with a subject heading of XMAS PLANNER. It doesn't have to be zuttered, you could use metal rings. Come on, what are you waiting for ... it's also a great opportunity to use up those Christmas papers you're not too keen on, as on the inner pages, you see very little of them :)
    email -


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